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  • Writer's pictureLuke Kelly

Step Up or Step Aside!

Updated: Jun 6, 2019

We all have those patients. They’ve been diagnosed as diabetic, or pre-diabetic, or have high cholesterol, and their response is to not get tested because they just don’t want to know. They are effectively saying, ‘I’ve eaten 15 scoops of ice cream every night all my life, and it’s never given me diabetes before!’ It constantly amazes us that someone would ignore their own health and their Doctor’s, and more disturbingly, OUR advice.

The unfortunate truth is that we ALL do it. We all act the same way when we are challenged, and if you want any proof, just look at your own business or practice. You've probably heard the great quote that 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result'. Therefore, we may all be insane. How many of us revert to the old ways when we are challenged? Do you think, as most of us do, that if it used to work, then it will always work again? Do you automatically think it was better in the ‘old days’? The obvious, sad and inconvenient truth is that is no longer the ‘old days’. What we did 20 years ago will not work now. What we did last year, will probably not work now. If you are not constantly updating, if you are staying the same, you are going backwards.

"We must continually choose between deep change or slow death". (Robert E Quinn)

Some years ago, research was done that ranks the reasons customers visit a particular Pharmacy. I don’t remember what was where, but convenience and service ranked highly and price was about number 7. This was always questionable, because most people treat shopping on price as a bit embarrassing, rather like voting for Trump. “I’m not going to admit to it, but in private, I’ll do what I want”. More recent research, however, starts to tell the truth. In the year 2000, 73% of people rated ‘knowledgeable staff’ as a top factor influencing where they shop. In 2016, it’s down to 42%.

Does this mean they don’t care about knowledgeable staff? Not quite. What this means is that they now EXPECT knowledgeable staff. In 2000, ‘Lowest Price’ was a top factor for 12% of people. In 2016, it’s up to 43%. Our heavily advertising friends have made lowest price an expectation. Now, I’m not suggesting we all give up and discount everything, but I am saying it cannot be ignored. You have to be ‘reasonable’ with your pricing, what I call ‘ball park’ pricing. Customers usually won’t notice a dollar or two, especially if you knock them over with service and knowledge, but much more than $5 and you have personally affronted them. Our world has changed because our CUSTOMER has changed.

Get out there and analyse your customers.

Find out what they really want and bloody well GIVE IT TO THEM!

Don’t just say it, do it!

If it's all too much for you, get out while you still can.

Step up, or step aside!

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